Wearable Paintings /
My intent here is a bit vague as much as the dress is obvious. In my work I have always been interested in the third dimension and its intersection with the flat plane. So I crafted an object, a sculpture that carries a two-dimensional message. Also, as with my work, I wanted it to be very personal and an invasion of personal and mental space.
Winter diaries - new animated drawings, music by marcus fischer / mapmap.ch /
I have kept a diary since I was 13 years old. In these I write and draw sketches of personal and found work. In a way, they are diagrams of a past and a future, usually written in both English and Bulgarian, sometimes a sentence starts in English and ends in Bulgarian, sometimes I write English words in Cyrillic; sometimes I write Bulgarian words using the English alphabet. There are a lot of made up words and lots of drawings.
My latest notebook is red.
These series of animations are the red notebook equivalent. In them I use my latest drawings and paintings, they carry the mood and the sense of place and space I currently occupy - Brooklyn, New York.
No digital manipulations for the drawings have been used - they have gone in as they are - I scan them into the computer and animate them. The hands are pen and ink drawings on hot pressed board, a very smooth velvety surface produced by an American paper company. The red background is a Crimson Red Intaglio ink monotype on Fabriano papers ( an Italian paper praised since the Renaissance ).
To score these compositions I used Marcus Fischer's amazing album mip~map/for friends this winter.. Please, support his work: marcus fischer / mapmap.ch and visit his blog.
Winter Diagrams: December ( Brooklyn machine series )
Winter Diagrams: December ( Brooklyn machine series ) from mirena rhee on Vimeo.
Winter Diagrams: January ( Brooklyn machine series )
Winter Diagrams: January ( Brooklyn machine series ) from mirena rhee on Vimeo.
Winter Diagrams: February ( Brooklyn machine series )
Winter Diagrams: February ( Brooklyn machine series ) from mirena rhee on Vimeo.