Antrik Arthouse

Description: Where kids will be taught to be citizens of the cosmos, make art and engage with technology, completely free for everyone.
Cost: $5 - 500 million.
Location: Manhattan, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.

Antrik Arthouse will be modeled after the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Library on 5th avenue, and the Microsoft store on 5th avenue. The former has a white gleaming interior and tight security.

The latter has computers and Xboxes on the top floor so kids could come in and play.

And why in Manhattan because this is where all the customers are, there are a lot of kids with bad home situations and probably no playrooms whatsoever but violence and just very little hope.

Also, it will allow kids from all backgrounds and ethnic communities to come together and create together. There will be serious security and no bullying will be allowed.

This is going to be at least a seven-floor building. In the basement, there's going to be a sculpture studio. The first floor will be for painting with lots of walls for kids to draw and paint on.

I'm going to hire lots of teachers and instructors to help kids.

The second floor will be painting on paper and canvas and crafting. Maybe more floors of that.

The top floors will be computer rooms and conference rooms where kids will learn how to build beautiful things on the computer, game design, 3D modeling, and animation.

There's not going to be homework ever. The place will be open from dawn until dusk, well I guess late into the evening so there's a place for kids to gather in the evening instead on the streets. Ideally it will include room and board to house and board kids from abusive home situations.

This is going to be a true Art Palace.