Xquisite Corpse Act Three

As part of Xquisite Corpse Act Three Performance I took the Xquisite Corpses form Act Two and wore them on the High Line in New York City. I also asked strangers to wear them. As a visual artist this was my experiment with performance and I wanted strangers to become performers as well.

This was my rebellion against the corporateism of New York City. The High Line was a new development that was an interesting addition to the sidewalk city life. I noticed that the behavior of people on the High Line was very similar to that of people in prisons. Strollers dutifully marched on the right hand side in single file, and security made sure nothing unapproved by corporate takes place.

Well they can't ban people wearing clothes can they? And this is why I decided to wear some paintings and asked people to do that too.

In collaboration with Ian Mack, ianmackstudios.com. Photographs by Ian Mack.