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A dreamlike drawing produced in a dreamlike manner. /
Dreams, 31 x 32 inches, dip pen and ink on hot pressed board
The purpose of this drawing was to implement a new language and the way it worked was that it developed into a language as it went. Never knew what a particular detail would look like until the very moment it was done. It was like a play with no script where I was the only audience.
Tiny changes happened along the way, and the world of the drawing changed incrementally.
By the time the drawing was fished - it had evolved into a dream tapestry that would draw you in just like a rabbit hole.
More on the happening of works here: http://mirenarhee.com/mirena-rhee-video.html
Grasping at a modern myth /
Invented Mythologies, drawing, 5x7 inches, pen and ink on paper /
Happy belated birthday, Magritte /
Hands Chart /
If you'd like to give someone a hand this Valentine's day /
Animation stills from my Winter Diagrams are now available as prints on Saatchi online
Animated pen and ink drawings /
Thank you for your support during Open Studios /
Picasso once said "It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child". I'd say it will take a few lifetimes to earn the ability to see like a child. As a child you always see things as they are, rarely blinded by purpose or meaning. Once you grow up you stop being fascinated by the obvious thingness of all things, the simple facts of movement and color which are astonishing by themselves but too obvious.
Life existed for 3.5 million years without the ability to see. So the thinking among scientists is that life didn't need the ability to see in order to exist. I am hoping it will take me a bit less than that to learn how to see.
New York One Way /
New York Red /
There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly. R. Buckminster Fuller /
The tree of Life grew out of a tiny seed drawing, about 2x2 inches. I wanted to refine a process where I would plant a seed little drawing and allow it to grow into a full piece. The top image is the very first stage of the Tree of Life, the equivalent of a lump of clay. This moment is one of the scariest in art. It's like you are standing at the edge of a cliff and wish you could close your eyes and fly away. It turns out you need to climb up instead. Actually being at that very moment is never scary for me, I enter the tunnel space of my vision and the world around me becomes absolutely perfect. I generally do have a partial tunnel vision where things don't quite register and i could, without a penalty, focus on only one thing at a time. And no, there are no drugs involved ;) i could never drink or eat when I draw, they are incompatible activities.