48 x 36 inches, acrylic and ink on paper, 2020
Painted in Manhattan at the end of March 2020 while sick with Covid but didn’t know it yet.
The next day I had trouble breathing and went to the ER at Beth Israel on 17th street. All ended up well and I recovered but the experience of being scared to death on the evening of April 1st, heading to the hospital on foot, crossing Manhattan, all the events leading up to and afterwards left a lasting impression on me, events that I will never forget - I am writing a book with drawings about it.
A part of an ongoing series of Giant Hand Paintings on different surfaces.
My thought process is like a thread which comes from past images and ideas and which stretches into the future and on this thread hang various fruits.. and vegetables.
See high resolution image of the painting here:

48 x 36 inches, acrylic and ink on paper, 2020
Click on the image for high resolution.
Created in Manhattan in one day towards the end of March while I was getting sick with Covid but at this point I had no symptoms. Inexplicably I had the strong desire to dance around the painting like some strange shamanic ritual.
This was the first painting in the series and a few days later I had trouble breathing and went to the ER at Beth Israel on 17th street. All ended up well and I recovered but the experience of being scared to death on the evening of April 1st, heading to the hospital on foot, crossing Manhattan, all the events leading up to and afterwards left a lasting impression on me, events that I will never forget - I am writing a book with drawings about it.
A part of an ongoing series of Giant Hand Paintings on different surfaces.
My thought process is like a thread which comes from past images and ideas and which stretches into the future and on this thread hang various fruits.. and vegetables.
See high resolution image of the painting here: