Play Exquisite Corpse with your neighbors! Exquisite Corpse was a game played by Surrealists in Paris cafes in the 1930s. How the game is played.
1 Ingredients: milk, cookies, piece of paper.
2 Take the milk, cookies and the piece of paper and ring the bell on your upstairs neighbor.
3 Ask your neighbor to bring a glass and a pen.
4 Pour them milk, give them a cookie and ask them to draw a doodle, on the paper.
5 Go to your neighbors to the right, then to the left, and the one below. If you are lacking neighbors - take your paper, milk and cookies to your corner store and ask a stranger. If you are lacking strangers - ask your kids or your partner, or your parents. If you are lacking family ask your friends. Pour them milk, give them a cookie and ask them to draw a doodle, on the paper.
6 Repeat until you run out of milk, cookies and space on the paper. Now you have a fun piece of paper with a drawing on it. A giant doodle.
7 Go home and rest. You have played a fun game and deserve a break. Frame the drawing. This type of collaborative drawing is called Exquisite Corpse and was played by artists in French cafes in the 1930's. Now you have a new experience and self-evident proof of your brand new memory.