One New York
One New York is a Performance and Installation with Giant Hands on Times Square in New York City created in May, 2020. Celebrating the end of the lockdown in Manhattan. Beautiful Song & Jazz improv by a Times Square street musician not seen but heard only in the video.
The Greatest City in the World and its Heart still Beat. An unplagueing ritual and performance & installation with Giant Hands.
I had been planning to work in Central Park but had a dream about Times Square and came here.
The city I love is pretty strange right now, and I have to admit for the past month I've had a little bit of PTSD and I have been working through it slowly. I'm a very sensitive person, one of those that takes absolutely everything from their environment but that's exactly how I work. I take everything from the environment and work with it, and we, collectively, create something new - my drawings, installations and performances, even things that I do completely on my own, are always part of a collective work, the people, the places and the energy that swirls around it.
Every performance I make, every installation in a public space becomes a small ecosystem with characters and flow. Often times the NYPD comes, the bomb squad comes especially if there is a large bag with strange things in it, the security people usually come to chat and often help, the events people, visitors, locals and performers we all join in the life of the city.
The #hands have become an artifact of (life in) NewYorkCity, they were made in Manhattan and dragged through streets, trains, subways, parks and squares.
Two hands #oneNewYork #timessquare
Batman the red hand and I on #timessquare working on #onenewyork
All for one and one for all
My Giant Hands art installation and Performance on Times Square also included, by definition, all the Times Square regulars, including the singing cowboy.