occupy wall street

100 percent Ultra Violet by mirena

I went to Ultra Violet's studio this past weekend to take photographs of her and her work. Ultra Violet said the first person she met off the boat ( arriving from France in the 60's ) was Salvador Dali.  She became his muse, and later on, became a muse to Andy Warhol and a superstar in his Factory. Ultra Violet with her piece 99 percent, in her studios in Chelsea

Ultra Violets piece IX XI in memory of the 9/11 attacks

tiny versions of the IX XI pieces

A few more digits by mirena

Painter Scotto Mycklebust, is putting together Revolt magazine, an art-talk large format, limited edition paper. I am heading down to Occupy Wall street to take some photographs for the first issue.  Also saw De Kooning show at Moma for the second time.. barefoot because my shoes were too tight and I couldn't think properly. I took the shoes off, and this being New York, no one seemed to care except that I gained a different perspective.. could be the height but this time I loved De Kooning's last paintings.