I invite you to Pen and Ink Drawings Open Studio and Preview Exhibition Party / by mirena

Mirena Rhee - Seven easy states and platonic bodies, new pen and ink drawing I would like to invite you to Pen and Ink Drawings Open studio as part of High Line Open Studios Chelsea 2010 - Oct 15-17, 526 West 26th street, suite 303, Fri 6-9 pm, Sat and Sun 12-6 pm. I will be participating with new pen and ink drawings.

Link to the online invite is here: http://mirenarhee.com/mirena_rhee_invite.jpg

There is going to be an accompanying Exhibition Opening Party for All High Line artists, which will be held at 508 West 26th street, suite 5G, Thurs, Oct 14, 2010 from 6 to 9 p.m. The exhibit will remain open Oct 15-17, 2010, Fri, Sat and Sun from 12 to 6 p.m.

Facebook page for this event: http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=124283857625985

I would be happy to see you if you can make any of the days/events. Please, feel free to forward around. There are many other artists participating in the event, all within a few blocks around West 26th street in Chelsea. If you can't make my studio perhaps you can visit theirs: http://www.highlineopenstudios.org/artists.html

Thank you for your support!