The insanity of the Democratic Dictatorship in New York where we have 100,000 homeless kids but instead provide services to foreign violent criminals from all over the world by Mirena Rhee

“More than 146,000 New York City students—about one in every eight children enrolled in the public schools—experienced homelessness during the 2023–24 school year, the ninth consecutive year in which more than 100,000 students were identified as homeless”

The psychopaths doing this need to go to prison for as long as the homelessness of kids continues.

“Sanctuary” city for violent criminals but kids roll in the gutters while the city plays DEI and NGO games. Why the fuck do we need NGO’s? What’s wrong with a business doing it instead, just like Space X is doing the government's job better?

Curious about DEI! Do they have pantone wheel to determine colors of the people, or they just eyeball it? They measure the brightness of the face or belly buttons? by Mirena Rhee

Curious, how did they measure, what was the scientific method of determining if someone has to be included. Do they have pantone wheel to determine colors of the people, or they just eyeball it? Or DEI officer just goes around and points? DNA testing? I am curious, what is the criteria applied to measure the brownness or whiteness of the people, do they pick them out of a line? All these thousands of projects as you say supported by our tax dollars, what was the scientific method picked to determine the lists.

The political Assassination of Elon Musk by Mirena Rhee

I watched the same Elon Musk speech that everybody else saw. I didn't see anything Nazi in it, it didn't even occur to me to think it. He just said my heart goes out to you. Why would I think he's making the Nazi salute when he is thanking people.

I'm only now becoming aware of the slime bags behind the smearing campaign of Elon Musk.

One of these slime bags is New York representative Dan Goldman whose only accomplishment in life is to be born into a rich family. Why did we let these slime bags turn New York State into a one-party state full of douchebags? Douchebags like this hate immigrants and are jealous of the accomplishments of Elon Musk. Lawyers are a dime a dozen, we don't need any more lawyers. We need more engineers. But my friends in Brooklyn and Manhattan vote for douchebags like that. That is why no one invents anything in New York.

I hate the fact that dirty politicians drag me into the dirty games. But we have to be vigilant. They will destroy our geniuses if we don't protect them. Just like they did JFK just like they did MLK, John Lennon, etc.

Our geniuses are being assassinated and we must not stand and watch without speaking up. This is a disgrace and we disgrace ourselves by not speaking up. I cannot just stand and say nothing. To be silent is to be complicit in a pure political smear campaign I frankly do not think Elon deserves.

Value by Mirena Rhee

“People always want a formula-but it doesn't work that way. You have to estimate total cash generated from now to eternity, and discount it back to today.." -Buffett

When I look at the devastation in Los Angeles it reminds me of what the communist party did to many countries in the last century, a total devastation of one party state,the desolation of dictatorship by Mirena Rhee

Now that I think about it even more, because I lived for 10 years in San Francisco and for 14 years in New York City and saw and felt with my eyes and body what the single party system did, a complete economic annihilation. New York and California need to become at least two party states fast.