Today is my mom's name day, yesterday was her birthday and 40 days since she passed away /
Светла ти памет, мамо. It’s that people and spaceships die. My mom was an engineer and a fighter.
Finding little pieces of Mom /
I keep finding little pieces of candy which my mom loved to eat but in our eagerness to keep mom healthy my brother and I tried to limit them so we would put them in inaccessible places so Mom couldn't get to them. I think we were wrong we should have let Mom eat as much as she wanted cuz she died anyway.
What is really wrong with science, David Kipping in conversation with Lex Friedman says that we are possibly an infestation of Earth /
Brits are really depressive idiots, really good thing we fought their empire. This Kipping guy is the typical extinction apologist. He claims we can be impartial in observing, but we can never be impartial, physics proved that. We change systems simply by observing them. Our thoughts give body to our actions so if you think like an extinctionist you are practically doing it.
He couldn't come up with anything positive about humankind. If he had, he would have said it. I say we're awesome. I'm not a scientist. I don't want humans to be extinguished. I want to do awesome things as part of humankind. And I definitely don't think humankind is rats.
This is exactly what is wrong with science these days, and schools like Columbia University in particular. They sit in their drab rooms engineering nothing but thinking how to end humankind because they're basically depressed.
Scientists think that the canals on Mars guy wasted his life being wrong but I think he stirred our imagination about Mars, he got people excited and hopeful /
How many books were written because he just dared to look and imagine!
In comparison a lot of scientists are just idiots and bores.
Scientists have been mostly wrong for most of their careers, only few of them have ever contributed anything useful. Imagine all the idiotic and boring things the army of scientists does, totally not productive and money wasting. Why would they think they're the shit?
And why are scientists the only ones allowed telescopes time. After all the money for the telescopes have been contributed by all kinds of taxpayers, so all kinds of people should have access to the telescopes. I think artists should also be allowed Webb time.
Who is the judge of what is actually useful? The beautiful is more useful than the useful, Hugo said that.
It is only the imperfections that make a work of art valuable /
Matthew 7:16 By their fruits you will know them - the California Democratic dictatorship is failing, just like the New York City leadership is failing /
Destroyed by incompetent DEI leaders. Yes I remember very well what New York City looked like under Bloomberg and even Giuliani, it looked good and prosperous just like the richest city in the world should look like. And boy they turned it into a shit hole. Instead of building the infrastructure and the subway they catered to the mob. I get it, I too am oppressed. My home country was slaves for 500 years, my family was devastated during 40 years of communist rule and they took everything from us, I moved to the States alone with just two bags and with nothing to my name. But I don't burn other people's houses to make these things right. All these fucking woke assholes literally are killing us.
Zen versus painting /
I was listening to a guy talking about sitting for 10 hours staring at a blank wall. I'm like why the fuck would you want to stare at a wall to find meaning, you can paint and sculpt for 10 hours where you explore the creative insides of you.
The raw presence is much more present in painting. You cannot sculpt and paint unless you are fully present.
I believe we are here to create not to stare at walls.
Happy New Year Drawing /
Happy New Year 2025 /
I identify with the cosmos because before becoming a compact human for a hundred or so years I was pretty distributed for billions of years and will be after /
When we were taking care of our mom, Светла да бъде паметта и, we practically lived in the hospital for a month. I could hear people wailing from pain.
If you wake up in the morning and there is no pain - rejoice in happiness.
I identify with the cosmos /
I see myself within the context of billions of years of being something else, a portion of my molecules and particles started with the beginning of this universe. I was built over the millennia by various stars black holes and whatever other phenomena and was put together as a being to live on earth for over 100 years then I will dissipate again into the cosmos and will become whatever.
It is also possible that on a very fundamental level when we go beyond the particles and into all the quantum fields and such, it is possible that we are even much more permanent than just this universe.
I truly feel pretty expanded on a daily basis and it's difficult for me when many humans identify with a portion of molecules here and now. I do believe that life is a very very precious and very special experience and there are special properties of our bodies that give rise to new life. That is really awesome.
Also, it's possible that everything is life and we're just not there yet to recognize it. In some schools of thought everything is special, in some ways of thinking every tiny living being is special.
It is important we recognize we are much bigger than ourselves. We know it technically but we need to apply it daily and it needs to become ingrained in our thinking. And this needs to be an integral part of education. Kids need to be taught to identify with the cosmos rather than with any particular human formation.