Where you are
Where you want to be
All photographs taken by me, in Kyoto and on 5th avenue in New York City.
All photographs taken by me, in Kyoto and on 5th avenue in New York City.
I have the feeling that our atoms after death reassembling into other things in the universe in some way continue us although a little bit more spread out. So we go back into the soup maybe a little more integrated into it, but we're still entrenched in the fabric of the universe so it is possible that some kind of aspect of our consciousness continues forever. I already feel my integration with the entire universe although I do not see any special effects in front of my eyes.
He was a leader, innovator and a traveler. He loved solving difficult technical and manufacturing problems in his work, and was a trusted advisor to me and other members of the family.
I took this picture of him while he was visiting me at Lucasfilm.
If you deliver this spacesuit design to Elon Musk you'd be fired on the spot. It is dated, uninspired, ugly bikini area, wtf crop top, arms come out like pipes out of a water heater. Helmet's like a glass melon and materials looks like a tent. Short pants and baby blue soles?
I think what happened is Prada told them it looks cool and they agreed. I mean Prada is the master of luxury bullshit that no one needs, I am sure they will easily transition from handbags to spacesuits. Like they give fucks about space.
Tell me art doesn't have staying power. What other shit remains from back then? And you know what it is still beautiful 5 to 7,000 years later.
A pigment, a scratch, a line and a surface, no need for any fancy to make art. This is why it's magic, it is so simple at first glance. Art sneaks up on you, you are moved, by a few scratches on a rock.
Tell me you're not moved by this art!
There is one essential quality to beauty and it is the fact that it doesn't need champions. People always aspire to beauty because it is a window to a pure world - it lifts them up and makes them aspire to things bigger and better than themselves.
Smthng i wrote 15 years ago I guess.