A robot can make perfect art but it is the imperfections that make the art. When you buy art you actually buy the artist not the object. /
If the robot is truly interesting then yeah
I'm a visual artist but my website is full of walls of text especially on the phone /
Got to fix that
Remember all the fun! /
Mirena Rhee - White Room
Mirena Rhee - White Room
Mirena Rhee - White Room
Mirena Rhee - White Room
Mirena Rhee - White Room
Used to be glued to the TV watching Blake's 7 growing up which I recently revisited.. What? lol /
Remembered the music, the ship and all. What is that haha. The chip in the guy’s head was the size of a ..apple watch with transistors sticking out. I had a crush on Paul Darrow, RIP. I must have been 10. I was also really impressed with the rebel ship. It was amazing (back then). Now I am like ..hmm. I must have been a silly kid.
Couldn't stand For All Mankind, I espected epic but got depressing instead. Apple should stick to ... extension cords, they are really nice /
in fairness I only watched a little bit from episode 1 season 1 and a bit of the last episode from season 3 to make sure I hadn’t missed much. I skipped the boring parts and watched all the best parts.
Art is not about decoration but revelation of truth /
Dollar Pizza economics /
Pizza at 6th avenue and 25th Street has been 99 cents since I first moved to New York in 2010.
This year it became $1.50.
Laundry /
I hate laundry and cleaning.
Whenever I have to do laundry I imagine the billions of years that I'm going to be dead and will never get a chance to do laundry again. I know it's trivial but in the cosmic scale of things me doing laundry is very significant.
Maybe a dead me would absolutely die to get a chance to do laundry again on the tiny sphere called Earth.
Buildings Don't inspire people, people inspire people /
I could think of a number of awesome things made in tents, garages and shacks.
No matter how round the Apple building is, Steve Job's vision for Apple died with him.
One of the reasons I became an artist is to create things nobody has seen before. Never to retire. And to be independent of spirit a ceo and sole executor of my visions /
I hate my "home" country with passion /
What the fuck is home? My parents had sex there, there’s no cosmic knife slicing planets. Just a place with left over morons doing moronic shit, it’s 150 years behind the behind places. I feel the same way about the East Coast too, too stuck in the old ways. The east coast hasn’t done anything sensible in the past two decades. If it weren’t for the art I’d be gone, I think it’s time for me to leave this shithole. I have always liked Amsterdam and Spain, homes of great artists.
To relax I usually walk NYC fast /
To relax I usually walk a few miles fast
After a week of cabin fever and a rain prognosis for the weekend I decided to do a speed run again through the city. I will look at people buildings and shops and think about projects and things.
I also really like empty store fronts, they're brimming with potential.
Sometimes I walk in and out of places. This is what I really like about New York.
I really like to look at things. Things are really interesting. All things.
I look at the names of things
I look into interiors
Imagine if we built spaceships instead of handbags and iPhones /
The sad part is that kids aspire to worthless pursuits like acquiring handbags and sneakers and diamond studs and iPhones and playing basketball instead of building great things. I mean what fucking life is bouncing a ball? I'd rather wear polished beer bottles but I'm not a shaman so I don't need to be decorated with crystals.
I'm pretty sure mattresses are also evil, and I am a big fan of Japanese futons, washable and foldable.
Carpet carpet is also evil, what's wrong with polished wood? It has worked for hundreds of years in Japan.
Good candy or bad candy /
Cantellated tesseract - thinking of a Bennu drawing /
As NASA is landing a capsule from the Osiris-Rex spacecraft. It is seriously awesome and rattles my cosmic bones which indeed they are.
Have been looking at pictures of the asteroid it just seems so mysterious and kind of tesseracty. Been working on the drawing /painting in my head.