I loved the look of this space - so well proportioned, special, abandoned - meaning it was no longer used by humans which is a great thing. Use implies purpose and I do not wish to put purpose in what I do. Things that have purpose cannot transcend everyday life.
It has no purpose other than to create a brand new visual experience, and fleeting.
I loved the sounds of the space as well, it's like nature was pushing its way into the building but couldn't take over and get all in.
Plus I had the local bullies come in and complain about the yuppies coming to their town, and to be honest I was scared but not terrified but my friend freaked out so i had to start folding. I will make sure to come alone next time because I do not care to "burn with my art" - this was the only time I have been threatened to be burned with something I created so I feel it was quite special.
And then the cops showed up, they were really nice.
On the other hand the local shuttle driver for the college took us to the bar up the hill completely free and out of the goodness of their heart which was great, and the bar was great too - I loved the food and the ambiance because there was nothing pretentious about it, and with great tasting beer.
Not affiliated by any stretch - but would love to be - Meyer's Olde Dutch Food & Such.