This one time when London PD helped me brainstorm an art installation / by mirena

Story began on Election Day when I asked New Yorkers to write me a message on a canvas I wore on Union Square, and a couple of weeks later I took the same canvas, flipped it over and asked Londoners to write me a message, on Leicester Square. This was my second time in London ever and I didn't really know the city that well. By the time I arrived it was late afternoon and I realized the location I had picked for the piece in London was pitch dark by 3pm. My only shot at doing the performance was the next day, due to weather.

It was evening when I strolled down The Mall in London and saw a couple of policeman sitting in a cruiser in full riot gear. I told them my predicament that I need a relatively well lit place with tons of traffic to do an art piece next day and we chatted for a while and they said, sure, do Leicester Square. And that was it. .. .

This one time when London PD helped me brainstorm art installation