Whenever the government asks me about my sex on forms / by Mirena Rhee

Whenever the government asks me about my sex on forms

Whenever they ask I immediately think…

Why are my sexual organs or how do I use them any of your business?

In the interest of public disclosure I do have a vagina and it's in a pretty decent shape. That's all.

And I think, well, what do you mean?

Are you asking if I were born with a vagina?

Are you asking if I use my vagina regularly?

Are you asking if I use my vagina with a penis?

Are you asking if I prefer to have a vagina?

Are you asking me or you're telling me that I'll be using my vagina organs at work?

Are you asking me if I have the capacity to use my vagina?

Are you asking me if I want to use my vagina?

Are you asking me because you want me to use it at work?

Are you asking if I'm breeding?

Are you asking which side I'm on during breeding?

Are you straight up asking me if I want a dick?

What if I sport a vagina but I kind of fluctuate in my head, and that process has nothing to do with organs?

How do you know that I am not a robot?