I've always wondered why is it that we are ashamed of sex and the related body parts / by Mirena Rhee

First of all, I must say I abhor all kinds of atrocities and abuse and such so these kinds of activities are not included. And second I want to be known for my art and thinking rather than being a nudist. I have no desire to show specific body parts versus other body parts, to me a leg and a breast are no different. A breast potentially gives life to a little human, the leg walks. That's it.

But I want to know the fundamental nature of shame. Philosophically speaking, why are we disgusted by sex, why do we cringe at the sight of specific body parts that are ultimately designed to make more people? 

I do not make the case that we immediately start showing porn on top of large buildings okay. The purpose of my life is not to resolve that one particular question. But I see it as one of the meanings of my life is to ask all sorts of questions and to kind of probe what fundamentally lies behind certain behaviors that we have or certain social conventions.

And once in a while, I come back to this one question - what is it that makes us afraid of breasts penis butt et cetera. I'm no different really. I have the same reactions. I think it's normal because I'm conditioned of course to do it. But I can't help questioning it every time it comes up. 

Why are we afraid of the body parts that fundamentally make human civilization exist? 

I don't have an answer frankly, I know that certain societies have less shame than others, and in certain countries, some body parts are not as terrifying as in other countries. 

Personally, I am fairly moderate in my behavior in public but I always ask the question especially when I see the terror on the faces of people or when people express their terrors and fears of sexual body parts in writing.

Again I detest horrors and abuses and of course, I understand why we want to keep kids safe from these because children simply do not have the capacity to defend themselves from aggressive behaviors.

What Joseph Campbell calls the zeal of the organs for each other is something that functions underneath the thinking layers of the human brain so humans tend to descend into some sort of insanity when it comes to sex.

Of course, we are made to become insane when it comes to sex it is encoded in our DNA to seek these strange behaviors and frankly incredibly weird body postures so we could create more humans and perpetuate humanity's existence in the universe. That much makes sense.

So I guess the partial insanity that covers us when overcome by sexual desire spills over our attitude towards the related body parts.