Our technological advancements are a direct result of democracy / by Mirena Rhee

I believe our technological advancements are a direct result of democracy. Used to be there was just one guy that told all people what to do. Now there are all these little guys checking with each other. If you have worked in the silicon valley you probably know that people really listen to other smart people.

Last winter I was listening to a lot of lectures on the history of Egypt from one of the professors that is the pre-eminent expert in Egyptology, and it goes on for about 4,000 years and I'm like how's it possible they didn't advance technologically that much. One day it just occurred to me that the pharaoh made the entire country do whatever they wanted singularly, if he decides to make a pyramid the entire country makes a pyramid and nobody thinks about anything else cuz everyone from the top to the bottom think about the pyramid.

In democracy now we have all these guys thinking about things all over the place, we also have people working for free and checking out stuff that are important for other people. And I think the French revolution was one of the most important events in history, this was where decisively people said no more monarchy and lady's wearing crowns.

You know I'm such a terrible fan of the British monarchy, every time I read something about it I'm like how anyone stands these people, they're probably nice but, I mean what does that mean to be Royal and prance around, it’s just ridiculous it's embarrassing. I believe it's embarrassing to have a monarchy in the 21st century.

It's just the whole queen thing, you've lived old enough to see rovers on Mars, it's time to change it up a little, give up the palace, make it a museum and move on. Give up the crowns and all the red carpet. To me it's just a greedy and ridiculous spectacle. But I guess British people like it.