Why I do art and what it means to me. / by Mirena Rhee

Why I do art and what it means to me.

Art is the greatest invention of humankind, there's art created in caves 30,000 years ago that still fascinates us.

When I get up in the morning I think about the art I'm going to make, the art I have made or art from other artists, known and unknown, Titans or craftsmen from 200 or 2000 years ago.

I create non-commercial art and public art, meaning I do not charge tickets, I do not ask for tips, and do not participate in vanity shows for pay per view, or pay for visitors or likes on social media.

Money to me is not important because in the history of humankind very few purely monetary enterprises have contributed significantly to humankind, historically money have supported art but it was the work the hands and minds of artists and thinkers throughout the centuries that created human culture.

I wanted to tell you this one little story, imagine a friend gives you a gift that you really like, and he says this is for you from me and you say oh this is amazing I'm so honored I love it and it's beautiful thank you for your gift. And then your friend says sure you're welcome it's going to be $200. Would you feel the same way?

This is why whenever I create I first think of it as the art being a gift to humankind, and then when I create a drawing or a painting or whatever other work that appeals to people and they want to purchase then I would gladly sell it.

I don't remember an instance where people haven't liked my drawings or painting.

I employ pretty specific techniques for my drawings and paintings because I want them to have the kind of quality that could still hold up after 200 or 500 years and the ideas embedded I want to be still relevant to any human looking at them many years after I'm gone.

And this is the reason I do not create art that is only relevant to political or social purposes of the time, the only social and political purpose in my mind is the advancement of humankind where each human being contributes their full talent to the betterment of humankind.

They're a lot of people who are talented with money and I respect and appreciate that.

They're a lot of people who are talented with words or stories and I respect and appreciate that.

I feel an inner need to create and an inner drive to create certain things that have been on my mind. I usually work on many ideas in my mind while I walk travel or do other tasks.

I frequently work on my art without actually touching it, I constantly think write or contemplate past current or future projects and develop them in my head before they head out to the street or the canvas.

I think of improbable impossible or absolutely outrageous things which gradually in my head become more reachable so it is possible that through gradual improvements even an impossible work of art could be made.

I sometimes think of what could be made on the Moon or Mars and what possible robotic instruments could help with such works of art. Would it be a simple drawing in the sand or spider webs drawn between Moons or Planets.

I do not discard any thought as ridiculous on the contrary I think especially ridiculous thoughts are really worth it of contemplation.

So what is it that I wanted to say with this long long letter - I wanted to say that writing and thinking of all these ideas and projects is as valid activity as physically creating and manipulating them and setting them in an environment.

This is why I often write in my diary I make sketches I put notes on my phone and my computer about past present or future work.

Often little seemingly unobtrusive actions create the web of support for future work, and then all the threads eventually coalesce into the material expression of what once was just a thought.