Salvador Dali waiving in the sky over Cadaques or A Bucket Always Helps / by Mirena Rhee

Salvador Dali waiving in the sky over Cadaques, 5 x 7 feet, acrylic on canvas, 2021

See more and details of the painting here:

In this painting I use old masters technique of glazing layers and cobalt blue pigments. It shimmers.

Let me just say that I think the bucket is the most useful thing ever, if it's a nice color it's even better. The only thing a bucket doesn't do is paint a picture. But I can paint a picture and I can paint it really well, we are a good team. Now if I could only get an iPhone to play along.

First of all I have to say that I don't care for iPhones or tools just because they're brand names I want a tool to do its job and the job of this particular device for me is to take a picture. But the iPhone takes yellow pictures, I call it the cadaver filter and I'm just going to return the phone because it's not useful to me. I want to have a device that takes good pictures but also true to color without any misguided beautification.

Truth is the best policy in everything, including taking pictures and art. I learned that once at SFMoma where both Richard Avedon and Robert Frank had exhibitions. Avedon was on the top floor, Frank was on the third floor. Avedon pictures were like 6 feet tall, Frank's pictures were 6 inches tall. Frank won hands down and I lost all interest in Richard Avedon since.