A Drawing In The Sand on Another Planet.
Proposal for the first Human Art on Mars ( HAM ) - A Drawing In The Sand. Since ancient times philosophers have been drawing in the sand. …Our hands are a symbol of our humanity, we create and destroy by it, and like in the Michelangelo painting and in the cave paintings of ancient - they carry the human spark, they serve our intelligence to shape matter, and make our dreams a reality.
On the left - Proposed first Human Art on Mars ( HAM ) - A Drawing In The Sand. I propose that a human sized hand print is drilled on the surface of Mars by InSight’s Heat and Physical Properties Package probe. Just like the first human step on the Lunar surface - this will be a cultural step for mankind.
On the right - Red ochre hand stencils in the Cave of El Castillo (c.37,300 BCE). These markings are some of the earliest art of the Upper Paleolithic. Art is commonly understood as the act of making works (or artworks) which use the human creative impulse and which have meaning beyond simple description.
Growing up I wanted to be an astronaut, now I doodle about it. Nasa doodle and JPL DOODL
I grew up with Carl Sagan’s Cosmos, with Isaac Asimov’s stories, robots, aliens, with Arthur C Clarke’s novels. I grew up with Star Wars. It's not that I believe in Star Wars but I do believe in the message of Star Wars. Star Wars inspired me to dream. It was so epic and there were so many great lessons in it. I became a Star Wars artist.
My blueprint for dreams came from the science fiction novels I had been reading throughout my childhood and as a young adult. I wanted an epic life with adventures, possibly in space. So my first dream naturally was to become an astronaut.
I became an artist, now I create worlds and constantly conspire to make things the world has never seen.
Proposal for the First Human Art on Mars or HAM. a Drawing in the Sand on Another Planet