All of my work is about New York, New York is so complex and so beautiful / by Mirena Rhee

New York city is in all my work and most of my thoughts, it is complex and inspiring web of fates, of inanimate and animated objects, it sways and constantly moves. People and things in it almost constantly yell.

I have lived in almost every neighborhood in New York city, and on both sides of Broadway. Like in two totally opposite windows across from each other.

There’s something special about the New York laundromats, about the dollar pizza place, the subway, the Chelsea art gallery district, the New York public library, the public spaces, the hangouts, the loading docks, the Apple store.

I have become recently fascinated with the empty storefronts, with their open eyes.

I often wait until it’s late to roam the city and see its sights, and hear its roars, whispers and complaints, its sighs, and its whooshes.