Hands Tesseract, After
aka Hands Room
10 x 10 x 15 feet, 3d painting and installation, 2019
room size installation, a part of the Giant Hands series of installations
Hands Tesseract, interior from the top
A walk around, into and onto the Hands Tesseract. With commentary from the Artist
Hands Tesseract, the artist (pretending to be) sleeping inside like in a tent before painting it
Sleeping inside the Hands Tesseract before painting it
Hands Tesseract, interior during the painting process
In the process of painting the Hands Tesseract
Hands Tesseract, interior during the painting process
In the process of painting the Hands Tesseract
Hands Tesseract, interior during the painting process
In the process of painting the Hands Tesseract
Hands Tesseract, gloves used during the painting process
The painting Gloves, aka Tess Hand Gloves