Circles Circa 2012 - Spot paintings and Self Portrait in a Circular Mirror /
Mirena Rhee and Spot Paintings - New York, January 2012
Yes, I always sleep in pictures without fail.
My best friend Ian - New York, January 2012
Self-Portrait with a Circular Mirror - New York, January 2012
My art studio in Bushwick, 2013 /
My art studio in Bushwick, 2013
A Tweet from Feb 2011 - Form is not a problem, it's a function /
mirena rhee @mirenarhee Feb 1, 2011
Reading "On the Problem of Form" by Kandinsky in the downtown B train. Form is not a problem, it's a function.
V as in Vader /
Vitruvian Woman - Unless you do have a horse /
Don't be prideful with any excellence that is not your own. If a horse should be prideful and say, " I am handsome," it would be supportable. But when you are prideful, and say, " I have a handsome horse," know that you are proud of what is, in fact, only the good of the horse.
This is Epictetus and he's dead so don't worry about it and brag freely.
Unless you do have a horse
Mirena Rhee - Vitruvian Woman series
A destroyed photograph is melting inside a block of ice against the sunset over Golden Gate bridge /
A destroyed photograph is melting inside a block of ice against the sunset over Golden Gate bridge - this is number one in a series of photographs I am going to destroy in various fashions.. I wrote in 2010 while still in San Francisco.
A destroyed photograph is melting inside a block of ice against the sunset over Golden Gate bridge
I didn’t really do this project because once I moved to New York city I just stopped taking photographs as ”art” and got busy doing whatever I wanted rather than doing “concept work” that I was just no longer interested in doing.
Still this was my symbolic departure from photography.
Big newspapers are basically an advertisement family business, why would anyone take them seriously. I'd rather read the news off the doors of toilets, they really cover diverse opinions /
I recently for example found out how the New York times and others destroyed the career of one of my favorite artists. Can you imagine the slime bags calling themselves art critics dishing basically bullshit as a day job. What a pity. I stopped reading them 20 years ago when they lied about wmds in Iraq. This artist inspires me big time especially with the paintings they hated. He died 45 years ago but his vision is alive and fresh and powerful as new.
All newspaper owners who complain about USAID should immediately shelter all refugees in their own houses and pay their expenses from their own pockets /
I loved Philip Guston's paintings when i saw the at Hauser & Wirth, it is so sad yellow newspapers like the New York times and other "art critics" laughed at his work in the 1970, fucking douches /
Very Very interesting Dept of State Art from 15 years ago. Now - this is art, not being ironic. Now and again something like that actually happens /
Berkeley Center for New Media <>
Mar 15, 2010, 7:38 PM
to me
The Berkeley Center for New Media (BCNM) and the
U.S. Department of State announce:
Opinion Space:
A Global Experiment in Open Dialogue
Opinion Space is a visualization tool for world
opinion developed by an interdisciplinary team of
students and faculty at the UC Berkeley Center for
New Media in collaboration with new media experts
at the U.S. Department of State.
Opinion Space is an experimental interactive
website where participants can express opinions
and instantly see where they stand with respect to
others around the world. It uses dimensionality
reduction techniques to display the emerging
diversity of viewpoints and collaborative scoring
metrics to help the community highlight comments
that are most insightful.
U.S. Dept of State Media Note
Washington, DC
March 15, 2010
The Department of State today launches "Opinion
Space", an interactive site hosted on
that seeks to foster global conversations on
foreign affairs.
"Opinion Space will harness the power of
connection technologies to provide a unique forum
for international dialogue. This is an example of
what we call 21st century statecraft and an
opportunity to extend our engagement beyond the
halls of government directly to the people of the
world. I can't wait to be a part of this exciting
new conversation," said Secretary of State Hillary
Opinion Space, developed jointly by the Department
of State and the University of California at
Berkeley's Center for New Media (BCNM), is
accessible to anyone around the world.
Opinion Space invites users to share their
perspectives and ideas on U.S. foreign policy in
an innovative visual "opinion map" that will
illustrate which ideas result in the most
discussion and which ideas are judged most
insightful by the community of participants
This map is not based on geography or
predetermined categories, but on similarity of
opinion. Opinion Space is designed to
'depolarize' discussions by including all
participants on a level playing field.
To participate in this experiment, see where you
stand with respect to others around the world, and
join the discussion, please visit Opinion Space
Future discussion questions will be on a range of
foreign policy issues.