The more I listen to modern physics lectures about black holes in the universe the more I am interested in asceticism /
Taking care of my mom /
I can't listen to hardcore History podcast, it's full of bullshit. I prefer historians like Bob Brier, I can't stop listening to him Tell ancient Egypt /
Everything in the universe has a trick, like love and tying a laundry rope /
Whenever the sun shines I feel the age and the radiance of the universe on my body /
until you realize that everything is beautiful and the radiance of the universe shines especially in the very small things like a grain of sand or a leaf /
I'm an improver /
The easiest way to change the paradigm in your home is to remove the television /
The easiest way to change the paradigm in your home is to remove the television and replace it with:
1. A horizontal bench or surface for creative projects like woodworking.
2. Digital creative studio.
3. Musical instruments for creating and performing music.
4. A home gym with mats on the floor for exercise, stretching etc.
5. Use the freed wall for home painting studio for the entire family, where kids and adults can draw /paint anything on the wall.
The vogonity of moronity - the advertising /media complex has convinced people in America that it's important to mow grass rake and collect leaves and use pronouns /
Why don't you just grow tomatoes, mulch leaves in place and keep your sexual activity in the bedrooms, the kitchen counters or whatever fuck place you choose.
Raking and collecting leaves from grass is idiotic. I pity the morons who have been convinced to waste precious life energy doing this /
My mom conceived my consciousness /
I believe our Congress is rotten and corrupt and not our country /
They love power but are too incompetent to do it in the market. They need to be all loaded onto a starship and dumped on the other side of the Moon and replaced with people who believe in public service.
I think Nancy Pelosi is the female Voldemort witch. Rotten to the core and clawing at power. We're effectively a one party state although with two parties.