We humans are so powerful, but we can't make a leaf /
Mom is recovering from a major surgery in the hospital and my brother and I take turns taking care of her. I came up with a basic tenet of life - be devastatingly happy when you're not in pain /
Today is September 9th 2024. I think I came down with COVID for the past week or so but my mom got positive. Who knows if she got it from me. Who knows if I have covid even.
I went to get some tea and climbing the stairs up through the surgical units in the hospital I could hear people yelping in pain.
There were other people telling them to shut up. And as I was climbing the stairs I decided that a main tenet in life - be happy, outrageously happy, when you're not in pain.
I love space /
I love space, I love all about the Cosmos and the Universe. It doesn't make me feel small. It is no coincidence I worked on Star Wars as a commercial artist. I wasn't merely loitering around the Presidio falling into the Sarlacc pit.
I dreamed to become an astronaut when I was little. I became a painter instead, next best thing.
Quality of authority /
Florida has the capacity to make all other things appear smart in comparison /
Light streams out of the writing of Tolkien /
It's two dozen years after the Space Odyssey. We can't afford to be stupid /
I like the Arthur C. Clarke scale /
You Will Know Them by Their Fruits. Does Elon Musk do good or evil? If he does all these good things he cannot be evil /
Which other company is sending two women engineers to space to endeavor mighty things? Other then SpaceX. No one lol /
“it is by means of discourse alone that a man can gain ascendancy over many.” Diodorus /
Looking at some beautiful photos of Starbase - Trantor going up /
Elon Musk and SpaceX - badass. Pure awesomeness like in the Asimov novels. The rest are along for the ride. /
And the majority of humanity is just asleep.
First commercial spacewalk coming up, Polaris Dawn. People forget though it's Elon who did this. No Elon, no commercial spacewalk. Polaris Dawn just bought a ride on SpaceX. No Elon, no SpaceX /
Happy Birthday Dad installation I created in Central Park in 2021 /
Happy Birthday to my dear Dad. It would have been his 86th birthday. Rest in peace, Dad /
As I'm going through my emails I would run into emails from Dad.
He would say please call. Love, Dad.
Today I feel him together with me, I cried a little and I remember his love, he always made sure to tell me he loved me.
Dad and step-mom in front of the Yoda statue at Lucasfilm where I worked.
Dad in front of the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco.