I love space by Mirena Rhee

I love space, I love all about the Cosmos and the Universe. It doesn't make me feel small. It is no coincidence I worked on Star Wars as a commercial artist. I wasn't merely loitering around the Presidio falling into the Sarlacc pit.

I dreamed to become an astronaut when I was little. I became a painter instead, next best thing.

Happy Birthday Dad installation I created in Central Park in 2021 by Mirena Rhee

Happy Birthday to my dear Dad. It would have been his 86th birthday. Rest in peace, Dad by Mirena Rhee

As I'm going through my emails I would run into emails from Dad.

He would say please call. Love, Dad.

Today I feel him together with me, I cried a little and I remember his love, he always made sure to tell me he loved me.

Dad and step-mom in front of the Yoda statue at Lucasfilm where I worked.

Dad in front of the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco.