If you vacation at Disney you're an idiot /
Happy Fourth of July to me. If my dad were alive he would have wished me Happy 4th. Miss you Dad /
He knew how important it is to me that I became an American. My entire adult life was spent in the US. All my dreams are based around things happening in the US, and of course especially NASA and SpaceX.
love NASA. I wish more astronauts, astronomers, physicists, scientists of all kinds are celebrated in the media and social networks instead of brain dead actors, sports and entertainers /
bleating or chasing balls on a field just doesn't do anything for me or for humankind.
Now I understand why they lock up the toothpaste, why the prices are higher every time I go to the store - Biden just destroyed our country by being mentally absent /
I mean they say the fish rots from the head, there's rampant unemployment, they are putting locks on items in pharmacies and grocery stores, prices go higher every time I go to the store.
I came to this country with just two bags and for 26 years I had never seen so much inflation, so much lack of law and order, so many insane policies like letting gang members into the country. Because when I was obtaining Visa to the US as a student I was grilled like crazy. I had to present documentation about my health and education, and background check.
After the debate between Biden and Trump I realized that Biden is completely absent mentally from the process and somebody else is running the country, probably his family and democratic interests that are not elected. You can see and feel the results.
He has destroyed our country and now our enemies are sharpening their knives.
Biden needs to gracefully retire.
You're traveling on spaceship Earth /
Do your jobs politicians /
We need jobs. The US is the only developed country with 62% labor participation rate. All other developed countries have over 75%. Bring manufacturing back otherwise it's all lost. Without manufacturing base where young people learn how to apprentice in science and technology we are going to just have a country of homeless people, and service jobs.
The other thing I want to say is that as an immigrant I came to this country with just two bags. And for 26 years I've never seen toothpaste being locked up behind glass until now. New York City has deteriorated to the point I have never seen in my life. I had never seen inflation like this in my life where prices go up every time I go to the store.
Criminals need to go behind bars otherwise this diverse country is going to fall apart.
And then I have a senile man as a president, I will never forgive you that you don't give me a choice other than a senile man vs. Donald Trump.
Do your job.
Happy birthday, Elon Musk /
Unions are shit /
The shittiest organizations and shit holes I've ever worked for were always union.
The best companies I worked for had no union. Why would you need the union if you do a good job.
It's scary that teachers are Union. They have no idea what they're teaching because when they were studying to be teachers none of the technology was alive. So now they have to deal with the YouTube generation and they're completely clueless what to do with that stuff. You might as well teach kids how to make video games, they are going to learn how to code and they are going to learn how to do art and collaborate in teams.
I measure my life not with success but with the pain I have endured /
One day my work will cost millions not mere thousands, get'em while they're hot /
Rumination sucks /
Whenever I have a panic attack I always look at pictures of Mars taken by the rovers, never landscapes from Earth. A bit counterintuitive but the alien world brings a sense of normality to me /
Describe Star Wars with one word. I go first /
Elon Musk is a genius and deserves his pay, he is not one of the tech bros or bras as I call them /
His work is a result of pain and sacrifices to return manufacturing to the US, and the US to space, and make life multi-planetary.
I wanted to explain the difference because many people do not understand. Most tech bros, and most interpreneurs on the planet, do whatever capital tells them to do. Whatever their investors tell them to do. Whatever they think will make them money.
Now the big difference is Elon Musk made his own capital to begin with and put all of it, all of his skin, in the game that he believes in. Now these are some major problems because most people dabble with other people's money, it's okay, they can fail and do some more with some other people's money.
It's difficult to put all that you have on Earth to pull off some impossible task. Not for days but for years and decades. That's major pain and suffering that very few people are capable of.
Now go and do that against major enemies. Balls. No wonder he hates bureaucrats because they've never been in the pain game and come home at 5:30.
There're some professions where you actually go to work after you put in the 8 hours. And the work is not done at 4:00 a.m., it's not done at 8:00 a.m. and at 3:00 p.m. the next day you haven't even scratched the surface.
And after 10 or 20 years you are barely starting.