I'm still fascinated by New York City by Mirena Rhee

Due to the fluidity of my circumstances, I've had to take very many jobs which involved working with many different classes of society. In one of the jobs, I would go from a 50 million penthouse to the projects on 10th avenue in Chelsea and speak to a guy while behind him rats were zipping around, in his apartment. At some point, I interviewed a doctor who lived in a penthouse apartment on top of the Hudson Yards building and then back to the projects on the corner, where I had to make sure the drug dealer lookouts knew I was not the cops, child protection services, or immigration. And then I drove a 2-ton postal truck through Times Square.

I remember once I had a show out of town and couldn't go and instead had to clean the toilets of an Airbnb, so I would take my gloves off and check out the pictures from the show on my computer that the gallery director sent me.

Once I made a paintable dress for one of the wealthiest art patrons in New York City, in her own skyscraper. That summer I cleaned the local park, I remember one day a customer came out of the toilet and because there wasn't a mirror he adjusted his hairstyle in my sunglasses.

I will write the most fascinating book about New York City. There isn't going to be any partying or booze but life. Like they say, this is not a drill.

Well done Space X! Dragon capsule is lifting astronauts from Sweden, Turkey, Italy, Spain to the Space Station by Mirena Rhee

It is a privilege to witness it because it's such a difficult thing to do still. I love you SpaceX and cheer for you every time, which makes my hate for the mainstream media conglomerates just red hot. Ignore this, idiots, at your own peril. Such an incredible awesome achievement is entirely ignored by mainstream media motherfuckers.

I just saw a crew capsule go to space and a rocket return from space back to earth, the thing flaps the gridfins and magically lands. Thanks to one man - Elon Musk, and I know all the silly motherfuckers who are jealous as fuck. You are awesome and we continue to love you.

If you point your finger at a homeless person you are pointing at yourself by Mirena Rhee

It has been kind of a trend on social media where pointer influencers and such low empathy beasts make themselves feel good by pointing at homeless people and posting videos to make sure we see how observant they are in their mental cages. Oh, I'm sure that's how chimpanzees feel when they tear through their mates' meat with their teeth. You know chimpanzees eat other chimpanzees, right?

Every time you point though you should know that proper physicists from proper places like Oxford and CERN say they can’t tell where the smelly feet of a homeless person end and you start, they say you and them are one and the same thing.

There should be call a physicist option on every social media post.

I don't think we can build a proper civilization without proper compassion.

What I'm having here is a conversation, because I'm the same hypocrite as everybody else. Give me a break.

When we fight wars and when chimpanzees kill other chimpanzees it is basically the otherness in others that we hate.

I believe that suburban culture in the US is a major incubator for hate. That incubator is built by the walls of single-family homes and cars. In a deadly combination with couch-to-television chains. There's another culprit which is the large American kitchen where enormous amounts of poisonous food are produced to be consumed and put people to sleep in their couches. It's a life like death with deadly consequences.

In the case of smart people, their ignorance is a product of materialism because things do a very good job of isolating people - people get conditioned to revel in interesting objects and they look up and somehow forget what human beings look like.

I lived that life and noticed that most of my interactions were very controlled with people I had personally picked to be with. In a city like New York there's no way we can avoid interacting with the otherness of others and if you harbor hate you are going to go crazy.

When I lived in San Francisco I drove everywhere even in the city because it doesn't have a good mass transit. So naturally all my activities were always within specific circles. I worked behind the screen all day, I talked to really nice wealthy people, and went to really nice places.

In proper suburbia though interactions are severely restricted and people go from their workplaces to their isolation in their armored cars and then to the couches in their living rooms in front of the television. I remember living in Melbourne in Central Florida and there was not a single person on the street.

This is a terrible way to live and you miss half of the human experience which is running into random people from all walks of life and means, backgrounds, etc.

I always suspected that American suburbia is deadly just like the school shootings and probably the latter is because of it. Now, add guns to the mixture of loneliness, isolation and daily brainwashing from the television, nothing to do in the evenings except eat and being in your head, in many towns in America there's nothing really to do but go to restaurants and bars. People are oblivious to the fact that having culture like libraries and museums close by makes even the poupers kings.

I read somewhere most shootings happen in smaller towns. But I digress because what is really deadly in our civilization is lack of compassion. It is even more stark against the backgrounds of great tall buildings that we built.

Many people often complain, and of course rightly, about the smell of homeless people. I'm guilty of the same things of course I too go to the other side of the train car, let's not be more holly than necessary.

But people never complain when dogs pee and poop all over the place, at any given point there are tons of puppies peeing and pooping everywhere and no one complains. I get a really strange feeling when I'm thinking about this. I have no idea I mean it's not logical, I know homeless people are not cute but why even 1/10th of the dog compassion is not transferred to the humans. I honestly don't get pets on leashes but I'm going to leave that for some other time and just say I think it's a bit cruel that we are so cute with pets and so cruel with the human condition.

Do we throw away sick kids in the trash can? I mean seriously what do we do with people who do that, they go to bad people places? Let me ask why do we throw adults in the garbage? I can guarantee you from personal experience that no adult in their right mind wants to be sleeping outside by the trash can. Now do we throw sick humans in the trash can then? Might as well cut them into little pieces so they don't take up much space.

If you can't call a physicist then you can ask worms. Worms know because they nibble on all kinds. Morbid sorry but the reality is worms are your future unless you die in space.

Interactive 3D art I made 1/4 Century ago. by Mirena Rhee

Interactive Virtual World 3D art I made almost quarter Century ago. Made everything but the character. Can't believe the app still runs on my Windows Machine, it still runs standalone in Windows 10 although I think at the time it was made for Windows 98 probably. This was created as a commercial application to run inside Active Worlds app.

No lighting, only textures.

All 3D art and animation by me. (for most of it)A company paid me to do this while I was still a student, I think they got their money’s worth.

I absolutely love doing that kind of stuff until this day, no lies.

The biographies of Elon Musk, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Steve Jobs should be taught in schools not catcher in the rye type of idiocies by Mirena Rhee

I'm not going to even start about the kind of readings you're required to read in Bulgarian schools, some outdated type shit that is totally unreadable in my opinion, let alone to inspire kids in the 21st century.

Instead the history of Rome and Greece, philosophers like Jean-Jacques Rousseau, art music and engineering should be taught in schools.

Art = Emotion by Mirena Rhee

That moment of intentional imperfection of the beat or the pitch,

that adds emotional intensity to our musical experience.

Predictably, reality is on the beat.

Art is slightly off the beat, slightly off beat.

Art makes reality a lot more exciting.

~ Introduction to Classical Music by Craig Wright, Yale University

Magic Mountain by Mirena Rhee

I was watching a movie about Charles Dickens. In the movie he complained about London being expensive and noisy and dirty. And then his sidekick told him - I know you always complain but London is your magic mountain isn't it?

New York City is my magic mountain, I wouldn't be the artist I'm today without New York City and its challenges. I haven't found another city willing to get down on their knees and paint on the sidewalk, elsewhere in the world people are just too skeptical.

Today I wanted to honor New York City and all its wonders - which is actually the people. The following photographs were sent to me by people who participated in memory replacement election day 2020 on Union Square.

I remember a little painter, she was probably maybe seven years old and she stayed and painted for literally 3 hours in the cold.

I wanted to say thank you.

It’s time to leave the mountain, New York will always be in my heart and i will be back and forth but I need space and time to create some stellar things.