Because the only motivation of social media is commerce which has no meaning once the commercial object is bought, used and discarded. Art lives forever though and we can relive the art objects endlessly over millennia. With time art only becomes more precious.
Urban Poetry - I see entire lives discarded by the trashcan /
I wonder who lived them, how and why they are no longer needed.
The NBA is not a good neighbor like the ad goes, kids should dream to be engineers and not ball players /
I'm looking at this endless going back and forth on television in my gym, I watch television probably twice a year, okay maybe once in a while in the gym, I'm wondering how is it possible to tolerate this terrible life between baskets.
Back and forth, taken out of context this could be performance art, an early piece.
For someone who likes truth I'm a pretty big liar /
Traveling /
I get goosebumps and profound oneness with the universe thinking about the tiny human creations made by the yearnings of our soft fleshes, crawling around Mars carrying the desperate human questions.
We are star stuff, our elements made in the Big Bang and excreted by turbulent stars, we are the Star Stuff. We are not going, but returning to it.
They say all the universe and all in it is just one thing sloshing around a bit, for a little bit. It's not even sloshing that much, it just is. If that is true we are not really traveling to outer space, we are going inwards, into ourselves.
People /
All friendships and relationships in the US revolve around money. This is a wasted opportunity.
People have been convinced by financial institutions and media conglomerates who naturally own all media that the only viable relationship is the relationship to money. This is the only true life consideration and they perpetuate this nonstop.
So naturally people get alienated from other people because they don't consider peopleship a worthy pursuit. Instead, people pursue relationships with money.
On the other hand, art is supported usually by wealthy people, who are skilled at money. It is great when people use their talents to generate wealth.
Developments like space exploration, which is my biggest private obsession, are championed by massive amounts of money. And practically single-handedly developed by very talented entrepreneurs like Elon Musk.
So my heart is split there. I have no answers and I do not offer any condemnations because that would be untruthful.
The only guarantee is I'm going to keep asking the questions every single day
NFT = BFS bull fucking shit /
This title is also NFT by the way, you can't buy it though. I only sell it in exchange for an Earth size planet.
Truth /
As an artist, I have always been interested in truth.
If I were to write an artist manifesto today it will contain only one word, truth.
I spent the first half of my career finding truth in pure making. I never really asked any of the questions until I developed all my instruments. When I got my instruments I started on finding out the truth.
Some days I found the truth to be a single word. Other days a word was not even necessary, it was just a thought. And then even a thought was not necessary but an all-encompassing feeling.
Invisible painting with invisible words from invisible artist /
Watching Charles The Making of a Monarch 2023 created by the BBC, just for the pictures. LOL /
Watching this strange person put on a crown and an ermine cloak given by his mom, both clown and parent solemn and serious like a cabalistic clownade.
I fast forward without sound because I don't want to waste my time on evil but I do need to know what evil looks like.
In choosing kings and queens to worship people have to be very careful because it's human inclination to always look up to something. People are afraid to judge kings and queens. It could be that an entire nation could condone world's scale genocide, like we the US exterminated people around the world, because our kings and queens aka government and government Media like the New York times told us that they found weapons of mass destruction so we went to kill on all the peoples for no reason at all.
Media really likes spectacles of power and money and of course because they're a business and always have to make money to pay their employees, Media will never go against the evil of a government no matter what.
That's why I'm not surprised the BBC glorifies an institution that has committed planet scale atrocities. So when their chief media orchestrates, All the people bleet in unison like we all bleet, myself included.
I loudly laughed - I haven’t seen a prop comedy like this since the Great Dictator by Charlie Chaplin. It is a fucking firm all right.
“I do enjoy ceremonies,
and I think that the British people do them so very well.”
“I think it’ll be a marvelous day, probably. As long as the weather stays fine.”
I think the BBC wanted to laugh a little too, at the end.
The streets of New York City are my teacher /
Everything I need to know about the world is right here.
I don't need to read any Treatises or doctorates, I'll just ask somebody on the street.
the US is invisible. An invisible word painting /
The US is invisible
Education is invisible
Wealth is invisible
Think tanks are invisible
Universities are invisible
Foundations are invisible
Smart people are invisible
Churches are invisible
Art is invisible
All the supermarkets are invisible
Media is invisible
Buildings are invisible
Invisible State
Homeless person
Homeless child
The state of the spiritual and material world /
I have no idea what could possibly be found on Instagram. I came to the conclusion that the only compelling reason could be masturbation. Okay, that is sorted.
It really is amazing how I quickly turned cold toward photography. Photography was my first art. Photography leaves me Stone Cold.
Now, when I see even the corner of a Rembrandt nose I start shaking. When I see ancient Greek marble I start shaking. When I even think of what I've seen from Michelangelo I literally start shaking. I'm 500/2k years out of touch. And I still like brown. I could sleep with brown under my pillow and I have to deliberately deliberate with myself about the next work that it shouldn't be brown. I've seen tons of contemporary art and have been shaken a few times but when I saw Salvador Dali's theater and museum I was in awe. Not because it contained the greatest works of art, but the sheer scale of really inventive products of the imagination. A lot of art today lacks imagination and they all look like they could be stamps.
Now when I see handbags and especially designer handbags I immediately start puking, the only thing - a faint red chalk Leonardo drawing of some folded fabric makes me feel better again. Always brown and always perfect.
I'm in Ecstasy over the rovers on Mars, they are works of art. Works of towering human genius. I worked in technology for 10 years 10 hours a day 6 days a week and I know how hard it is to do hard things.
I get goosebumps and profound oneness with the universe thinking about these tiny human creations made by the yearnings of our soft fleshes, crawling around this alien place carrying the desperate human questions
I don't have any respect for institutions but for NASA.
I feel ecstasy like in the Bernini sculpture but the angel is not holding arrows but a Mast Cam.
I feel deep emotion and my knees get weak when I feel emotion about works of genius and towering works of art.
It's pretty funny no one has learned how to paint better in the last 300 years, Dali and Vermeer are outstanding painters, I am in awe but not weak. I also get weak about tiny dirty rocks on a alien planet. I get goosebumps and profound oneness with the universe thinking about these tiny human creations made by the yearnings of our soft fleshes, crawling around this alien place carrying the desperate human questions.
Such is the state of my material and spiritual world.
Media has war, murderers and death front and center on their pages today rather than the fact that second set of private astronauts are at the Space Station /
Media has war, murderers and deaths front and center on their pages today rather than the fact that second set of private astronauts are at the Space Station. Kids growing up looking up to killers rather than astronauts and engineers. Why do we give our eyes to depravity rather than triumph?
Go NASA, Elon and SpaceX!
Four Axiom Mission-2 Private Astronauts Enter Station
Difference between art and entertainment is understanding. You don't need to understand entertainment. /
Engineering is a bit like art, trying till it works. Good thing they don't announce it worldwide when I try /
Imagine the headlines
She tried again to make something silly in her room, cried bitterly all afternoon and then just walked in the park.
She tried painting, lol, she hasn’t painted in oils in 10 years, good luck doing that again.
Drawing is not like painting, dear heavens, we don’t need another Van Gogh drawing the outlines and suiciding weekly.
Don’t even bother unless it is about vagina, politics, trauma, or butt /tits combination.
Forget it - she never done a residency except that one time when near homeless stayed at an airbnb.
Oh not him!
Poor work ethic she spent more time thinking about art than doing art.
Poor discipline she spent more time thinking and walking than working.