Artificial but not intelligence. Groups like this are more dangerous for society than AI. They want to automate humanity out of the human race by Mirena Rhee

They want to be the kings without the crowns.

Because they do not use their intelligence to solve real problems but to glorify themselves into an access to exclusive authority.

Don't believe a single word they say morons like this have never had an ounce of willingness to do public service but to be an authority on top of any intelligence whether human or artificial. They just want power for some unknown reason. Maybe tiny penis?

No, just fear of death and consciousness still stuck in the mud, the same one original humans were made of.. if you don't have an intelligent soul you have no business working on an artificial one.

Today and Yesterday by Mirena Rhee

I made an eye contact with a homeless woman who was sitting in front of the Apple store. In the evening I sat down to eat pizza on a bench and saw a man enjoying the spring bloom shower from a tree.

I have visions of future Mars paintings.

The Corporate Fascist State or CFS is enforcing NPC compliance worldwide. The Global Corporate Fascist State or GCFS has ordered all artists, under the threat of hanging(or rather never-hanging in a gallery), to make AI related art. They're barred from ever touching materials or enjoying gravity.

I decided to make peace with myself and the fact that my atoms will be back to the universe one day. I'm going to enjoy the collective results of these atoms and will pursue actions in the immediate vicinity surrounding my particles. I don't want the Corporate Fascist State to dictate the flow of my particles. I don't want to vibrate to the drum of the blue screen. I will build around me an airgap to isolate myself from the thump.

Elon Mars, a painting to celebrate Starship Launch by Mirena Rhee

Elon Mars, 52 x 73.5 inches, acrylic and Japanese ink on Fabriano paper.

This painting is about a hero's journey. In it good battles evil and thought battles gravity.

The hero is a composite picture, part the prince from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's tale - with a star and a stone flower, part Paul on Arrakis, part Japanese samurai.

There's Darth Vader in it and a cascading Martian landscape in the background, and a couple of ziggurats fight eternity.

This is a cartoon for an oil painting, a detailed version of the oil painting on paper.

I realized the silliness of comments on the internet, reviews likes and such when I found Salvador Dali's book had 3.5 stars on Goodreads or something, what is good reads? by Mirena Rhee

At the same time when I visited Figueres there were literally thousands of people lining up day and night to visit his theater and museum. Internet is all lies, the question is who stands to benefit? That's why I'm back to reading books and only believe the internet when I check the weather.

Want to be Salvador Dali in Space by Mirena Rhee

Salvador Dali famously had dreams of his paintings. Mine emerge when I take long walks. At first they are very fuzzy but as I continue walking over days and months they crystallize and then I have to do it.

Had to disable the comments on some of my Ellon Mars painting videos because frankly I know people feel bad that they can't be all smart and handsome and change the face of the Earth because they want to.

I must have painted his face five times then scratch that and start over