We are the only operating system that can influence the hardware by Mirena Rhee

Zen Master Bankei Yōtaku and his unborn, major religions, contemporary physics and cosmology - all speak to the fact that our hardware, at least a portion of our atoms(in the human body) predate everything, all the stars and everything in the universe.

Our hardware is ancient.

Free will, consciousness, self - awareness is the operating system. We can influence our own matter and matter around us. We can construct and self-construct.

Blog post about Peter Beck, Star Wars, Royal BS, chrome experiment, and the Moon Gateway by Mirena Rhee

I spent some time online, so it's either cats or mice. Just kidding.

I spent some time watching videos about the rockets that Peter Beck’s making out of New Zealand and now the US and had an awesome fun trying to understand and follow all the intricacies of his design decisions.

He's brilliant.

It is just really awesome to think about rockets and devices that go to space and the engineers or non-engineers that make it happen.

On the other hand I saw in passing some BS about royals and Royal family and people cheering about somebody's or other person's reign… I'm like who the fuck wants to be ruled in the 21st century, we just had our lids opened and you want to close them back up, and growel at the feet of a self-appointed grandma.

Great conversations with Peter Beck about his electron and neutron rockets.

By the way Peter never swears. Great guy.

Saw the latest Obi-Wan Kenobi Star Wars show and of course I'm still in raptured with the characters as I was many years ago when I was seven. But no one can do it the way George Lucas used to do it, he did it from the heart not for the bank. In here a really nice actor spends a lot of time yelling at a little girl, actually a lot of people do it which really distracts from the story.

So if you have been dining on royalty bullshit in the news here is some hungry news about the moon gateway, and how NASA envisions it, directly from NASA's mouth.

I accidentally landed on the YouTube channel of a British sounding YouTuber who had the nerve to criticize the Apolo program having never done anything notable themselves.

I never listen to people who bullshit about smart people.

In fact never listen to people who have never done anything with their lives, royals, ball players, actors entertainers and people who shop for jewelry, and of course news media, because news media is not even an opinion but rather a directive, and all journalist are tasked by whoever pays them and their advertisers, and all of this is directed at the weak-minded.

Here's a little diversion to keep you in perspective to always think for yourself because we're basically out in the middle of nowhere totally naked in the eternal darkness so we're very used to hell so we have one job is to come up with a heaven right here today


Spontaneous installation in Williamsburg by Mirena Rhee

#nyc #art just had a typical New York City interaction I saw someone taking pictures of this yard and stopped to take pictures and videos and then we started talking and then we almost simultaneously started talking about Richard Serra and his show in Chelsea that we both saw the opening of. as the sun was setting over the towers of Manhattan and the overgrown yards of Williamsburg, and us the people of New York City, walking biking strolling eating freaking frolicking eating drinking by the East River

Art must be present by Mirena Rhee

Art must be present not just as practice by Art professionals, and not only as multimillion projects artifacts, but also be accessible to every individual, a series of art exercises that could be done by anyone who literally $0 or very low cost and very low impact for the environment as well as carbon footprint, are to be present in the home, I always thought that in America we have huge kitchens they could be partially converted to libraries and art closets, also walls into home could be art walls where children and adults could exercise their creative potential. I always thought also about The front of homes has always been treated corporate -esque with grass treatments like in a commanded society which is only decorated on Halloween and Christmas and pertains to corporate scheduled art events. I see the front lawn a home to a community building element like for example a bench where people could sit and participate in the community, but also impromptu art installations, sculpture gardens using found objects, built just out of a creative impulse and without purchasing any additional elements only things found in the home or otherwise discardable and that could end up in a landfill.

always thought that art is where Angels play by Mirena Rhee

I always thought that art is where Angels play, you know how in the times of old you know these paintings and altar pieces and Fresco's, there are all these angels everywhere distributing Justice and blessing people. I think art comes from that place where the universe comes from, where good and evil battle for the life of the universe, it is the human spirit which is kind of unique and alone in the universe at least in the known universe. Surviving against All odds in this pretty hostile place of endless entropy.

Happy Easter. Torn to pieces by Mirena Rhee

#art #installation #gianthands
Wind tore them to pieces in some sort of a biblical set - there were fingers and palms all over the place and people were bringing me pieces of hands from all sides.

Don’t ask me where I am from - I am from the Big Bang by Mirena Rhee

My sense of self has been gradually evolving as I read books, grow up, work, study and think. I've been following the axiom space launch and docking with the space station and simultaneously working on my latest installment of my sense of self.

My latest sense of self is aligned with what science thinks is the chemical composition of the human body, alongside the latest periodic table of the elements which describes how each element is born.

Don’t ask me where I am from - I am from the Big Bang

My latest sense of self is mostly space:

65 percent oxygen - forged in dying high mass stars

18 percent carbon - made in dying low mass star

10 hydrogen - from the big bang

3 nitrogen forged in dying low mass stars

4 other stuff also cooked in space

iron made white dwarf supernovae