Created and performed at art511mag.com launch party at the Robert Miller gallery space in the West Chelsea arts district. A free flowing night of music and dance, a reflection of provocative disruption in the art world today. Where Tangled danced too, into a complete entanglement.
Canvas, markers on silver strings, human body.
Tangled was a performance I created for the art511mag.com launch party at the Robert Miller gallery space in the West Chelsea arts district. With the generous help from Scotto Mycklebust who provided most of the art materials.
Sketch for tangled - the original design was for the dress to resemble a carousel however due to technical difficulties with the silver strings - they all immediately tangled up into a bunch that was impossible to resolve so I left it as is and called it Tangled.
The sketch for what was first conceived as carousel, and became tangled
I have very few photographs from the actual performance, and a small bit of video. Here is the video:
I created the dress using unprimed canvas, markers and elastic silver strings to which were attached color markers. I found the belt on the street near the gallery in Chelsea and decided to make it a part of the costume.
Tangled after party photos of the resulting dress at Scotto's studio:
Photos of the dress I took on the nearby High Line: