Living Paintings

Animation with pen and ink drawings created as an inspiration for Living paintings (formerly Memory Replacement New York City)

I changed the title from Memory Replacement NYC to Living Paintings so it is descriptive of what the project is all about.

200 people dressed as living paintings will go into the Five Boroughs of New York City and ask people to paint on them.

Memory Replacement NYC is a mass public performance art project coming up in 2023. Memory Replacement New York City will be the first mass performance art project of its kind. Memory Replacement New York City will be Light Against the Darkness Machine.

Two hundred people dressed in primed canvas wings will fan out from the World Trade Center site into the Five Boroughs as Living Paintings

Memory Replacement NYC will bring light to dark places. It is a stand against the war machine, the gun machine, and the handbags machines which detract us from developing a great civilization. It is the stand against the useless possessions and souls draining activities machine. It will be an inoculation against the loss of all of our humanity machine.

Memory Replacement NYC is the weapon against the war machine, the handbag machine, the couch machine, the gender machine, the ethnic division machine, against the stereotypes and stereotypers machine, against all kinds of weapons machine, against the soulless machine. Against the greeed and I could never have enough machine.

Kickstarter campaign soon !

Memory Replacement NYC draws on previous collaborations with the general public in New York city. 200 people dressed in canvas wearables will fan out from the World Trade Center Memorial site into the Five Boroughs of New York City and beyond and will replicate, in different locations in New York and nearby towns, the World Trade center performance I created in November 2018.

Imagine an art blast originating at the World Trade Center Memorial Site but instead of destruction, it will create beauty and creativity in its path as it spreads out into the boroughs. Where there was dust and gray there will be color and light, where there was sadness there will be laughter and joy. I call the wearables Sails but also Wings because they will carry this one message:

We draw brushes and our holsters hold paints. We don't want to be replaced but we want to be changed. The soft touch of a wing, The light touch of a brush, and a light stroke. The word of a friend, the whisper of a soft fold on a wing. A nod to a future with beauty, a reflection on color, and a gesture of goodness and friendship. A soft stand against violence. 

Memory Replacement World Trade Center is an installation and performance with public participation funded with a combination of private and crowdfunding campaigns soon to be announced with a goal of $500,000 for the performance and subsequent exhibition. 

Memory Replacement Masterplan

Sketches for Memory Replacement:

Inspiration sketches for Memory Replacement World Trade Center I created in Tilt Brush:

Memory Replacement New York City will be a stand against violence

We draw brushes and our holsters hold paints. We don't want to be replaced but we want to be changed. The soft touch of a wing, The light touch of a brush and a light stroke. The word of a friend, the whisper of a soft fold on a wing. A nod to a future with beauty, a reflection on color and gesture of goodness and friendship. A soft stand against violence.