Happy Birthday Dad installation I created in Central Park in 2021 by Mirena Rhee

Happy Birthday to my dear Dad. It would have been his 86th birthday. Rest in peace, Dad by Mirena Rhee

As I'm going through my emails I would run into emails from Dad.

He would say please call. Love, Dad.

Today I feel him together with me, I cried a little and I remember his love, he always made sure to tell me he loved me.

Dad and step-mom in front of the Yoda statue at Lucasfilm where I worked.

Dad in front of the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco.

3 and a half months after losing my dad and my mom is unwell currently awaiting very risky surgery and in pain, I'm consoling myself with starship videos watching the catching dampers installed by Mirena Rhee

I love watching the starships in sped up videos moving like little sharks swimming. It is so amazing to see somebody's doing something right in the world. While all politicians and especially my Democratic senators from New York doing very little work for the betterment of this country. The pretend work my Democratic politicians send me emails about is actually worse than nothing. My brother told me that phrase when something is so bad it's actually worse than nothing.

Of course binge watching all kinds of updates on starbase and starship that I missed out on, it's currently my only little happiness in the world. The starship factory is so amazing, cute and awe inspiring at the same time. And the Two Towers? Breathtaking.